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« 25-0
deep freeze (remake)
leap of faith
aux terminal

aux terminal

Episode 25
Creator Metanet Software
N version 1.2 and later
Fastest Time
Fastest Player
Demo 25-1/Demo


Method 1 (Easy)

Go to the right side and get the gold, then hit the launchpad. Get the switch, then jump up to the next level as the zap drone moves downward. Get the gold if you wish, then proceed to the middle (notice that you cannot directly reach the exit switch from here). At the middle, while avoiding the gauss turrets, jump to the wall and then walljump off to the right to grab the terminal. If you accidentally slip, there are several launchpads which will send you back to the top. Run all the way over to the left side (watch out for the gauss turret at the top), and get the next switch, then drop down, pick up more gold, and get the next door switch. Now, either directly proceed to the door, or get that last stash of gold on the bottom left corner.


Method 2 (Highscore)
